Desktop wallpapers

You may use these wallpapers on your computer but please DO NOT use these as the background of your website. I have made background images which you can use for that purpose.

Installing wallpapers

On a PC, right-click over the selected wallpaper and choose "set as desktop background". If you do not have this option in your browser or you wish to save the picture more permanently (this way it will disappear entirely the next time you choose another picture to be your desktop background) choose "save image as" or "download image to disk" and navigate to a preferred folder and click "save". Then open the desktop settings and choose the picture as wallpaper.

On a Mac, control-click over the image, choose "save image as" or "download image to disk" and choose a folder you wish to download the image to and click save. Then go to the Apple menu, choose "control panels" and "appearance". Click "place picture" and choose the file you downloaded. Click "set desktop". On Mac OS X you'll find the same settings under Apple menu, "System preferences" and "Desktop".


[pic] Hobitin lueskelua 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Ringbearer 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] loyal Samwise 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] you will find your courage 1280x960 pix


[pic] Strider 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Estel 832x624 pix, text in Finnish || 832x624 pix, text in English

[pic] Miranda Otto as Eowyn 832x624 pix

[pic] Eomer 832x624 pix || 1024x768

[pic] the death of Boromir 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Forth Eorlingas! 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Eowyn's wish 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Lonely decisions 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Theoden 800x600 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] All that is gold does not glitter 800x600 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] It is but a shadow and a thought that you love 1024x768 pix


[pic] Lady ofthe Golden Wood 832x624 pix

[pic] Cate Blanchett 832x624 pix

[pic] Galadriel 832x624 pix

[pic] Oi Lórien jo talvi saa... 832x624 pix

[pic] Lorien 800x600 pix

[pic] Legolas Viherlehti 832x624 pix

[pic] Legolas Viherlehti 832x624 pix

[pic] Legolas Viherlehti 832x624 pix

[pic] Nenya 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Liv Tyler plays Arwen 800x600 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Galadriel and Uruviel 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Elrond 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix


[pic] Hallavaharja 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Gandalf the Grey 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] muinaiset sormusaaveet 800x600 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Stars of Arda 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] Gollum 832x624 pix || 1024x768 pix

[pic] the Fallen King 800x600 pix || 1024x768 pix || 1280x960 pix

[pic] Gandalf the White 1280x1024 pix

[pic] Asfaloth 1280x1024 pix

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